Masculine and Feminine Gender list in English pdf
Masculine and Feminine gender list in English pdf: Gender is one of the most important topic in English grammar. We use Gender to denote male or female.
Masculine and Feminine gender list in english pdf
Types of gender in English Grammar: There are four types of gender in English Grammar. They are-
Masculine Gender: It denotes male persons or animals. For example: man, boy, tiger, lion etc.
Feminine Gender: It denotes female persons or animals. For example: woman, girl, lioness etc.
Neuter Gender: It denotes lifeless things. For example: book, chair, pen, table etc.
Common Gender: It denotes denotes either male or female. For example: parent, person, student, teacher etc.
Today I will learn some of the most important Masculine and Feminine gender list in english. Which are the very very important for exam point of view.
Masculine and Feminine gender list in english pdf download
Masculine | Feminine |
Actor | Actress |
Author | Authoress |
Bachelor | Spinster |
Brother | Sister |
Boar | Sow |
Buck | Doe |
Cock | Hen |
Conductor | Conductress |
Deer | Doe |
Drone | Bee |
Duch | Duchess |
Drake | Duck |
Dog | Bitch |
Emperor | Empress |
Fox | Vixen |
Founder | Foundress |
Giant | Giantess |
Gentleman | Lady |
Gander | Goose |
God | Goddess |
Governor | Governess |
Grandfather | Grandmother |
Grandson | Granddaughter |
Heir | Heiress |
Headmaster | Headmistress |
Hero | Heroine |
Host | Hostess |
Horse | Mare |
Husband | Wife |
He-goat | She-goat |
He-wolf | She-wolf |
Hunter | Huntress |
Instructor | Instructress |
Jew | Jewess |
Lad | Lass |
Lord | Lady |
Landlord | Landlady |
Man | Woman |
Male | Female |
Manager | Manageress |
Man-servant | Maid-servant |
Master | Mistress |
Monk | Nun |
Mr | Mrs |
Murderer | Murderess |
Negro | Negress |
Patron | Patroness |
Peacock | Peahen |
Poet | Poetess |
Post man | Post woman |
Priest | Priestess |
Police man | Police woman |
Prince | Princess |
Prophet | Prophetess |
Ram | Ewe |
Rooster | Hen |
Schoolmaster | Schoolmistress |
Sir | Madam |
Shepherd | Shepherdess |
Son | Daughter |
Sultan | Sultana |
Tempter | Temptress |
Tiger | Tigress |
Traitor | Traitress |
Uncle | Aunt |
Washerman | Washerwoman |
Wizard | Witch |
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