Class 6 The Rainbow question answer

Class 6 The Rainbow question answer: Ships sail on the (i) pond (ii) lake (iii) sea Clouds are prettier than (i) rain and sky......
Class 6 The Rainbow question answer
Class 6 The Rainbow question answer

Class 6 The Rainbow question answer: Hello friends, welcome once again today we will discuss the class 6 Blossoms English book chapter 3 poem 'The Rainbow' and its question answer. It is a very famous poem written by Christina Georgina Rossetti. In this poem, the poet talked about the rainbow and she compared it with the other objects. Here you will get The Rainbow class 6 question answer.

Class 6 The Rainbow question answer


Tick [ √ ] the correct alternative:

  1. Ships sail on the (i) pond (ii) lake (iii) sea
    Ans: (iii) sea
  2. Clouds are prettier than (i) rain and sky (ii) boats and ships (iii) rivers and seas
    Ans: (ii) boats and ships
  3. The poet talks about a bow that bridges (i) heaven (ii) sea (iii) river
    Ans: (i) heaven
  4. The poet mentions that the road is from (i) sky to earth (ii) earth to river (iii) earth to sky
    Ans: (iii) earth to sky.

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

  1. Boats sail on river.
  2. The sailing boats and ships are less beautiful than the sailing clouds.
  3. Bridges are built over the river.
  4. The bow builds a road from earth to sky.

Answer the following question:

Boats and ships sail on the water, while clouds sail across the sky. State the difference in their manner of sailing.

Ans: Boats and ships sail on the water, it means boats and ships float on the water and these are sailed by humans. On the other hand white clouds sail across the sky, it means clouds fly in the sky by the help of air and it is a natural phenomena.


Fill in the following chart with information from the text:

What Where
(a) Boats sail on the river
(b) Clouds sail across the sky
(c) The bow makes bridges heaven
(d) The bow overtops the trees
You may want to read this post :

The Rainbow class 6 question answer


Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

(a) What is prettier than boats, ships, and clouds?

Ans: Rainbow is prettier than boats, ships, and clouds.

(b) What are the clouds compared to?

Ans: The clouds are compared to the sailing boats and ships.

(c) How do you think the rainbow builds a road from the earth to the sky?

Ans: Actually the rainbow overtops the trees so that's why it is called the rainbow builds a road from the earth to the sky.

(d) Which, according to the poet, is the prettiest of all objects mentioned in the poem?

Ans: According to the poet, the rainbow is the prettiest of all objects mentioned in the poem.


Read the Passage:

Standing on the sea-shore, the four friends were watching the night sky. They looked at the stars in wonder. They felt the soothing breeze and heard the waves roaring in the deep sea.

Pick out the countable and uncountable nouns and fill in the table:
Countable Noun Uncountable Noun
four, friend, sea shore, stars, breeze, waves


Circle the collective nouns and underline the abstract nouns in the following sentences:

(i) The fleet move across the ocean.

(ii) Honesty is the best policy.

(iii) A troop came marching on.

(iv) The old man is known for his wisdom.


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verbs in the brackets:

  1. She is singing a song. (be)
  2. My father did his work last night. (do)
  3. They go to the playground. (go)
  4. The football match was seen by many people. (be)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the help box:

  1. She has a pretty blue skirt.
  2. Bridges help us to cross rivers.
  3. Ships sail across the ocean.
  4. We must plant trees to save our earth.
Help Box
sail, pretty, bridges, earth


Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

build: Mason builds houses.

across: He swim across the river everyday.

bridge: A bridge will be built to cross this river.

road: This road is very narrow.

Graduated in English Honours from the University of Calcutta